Reception in The Filhamonic Szczcin, February 1.
Philharmonien in Szczecin, Polen
Filhamonie Szczecin, Polen
Reception in The Filhamonic Szczcin, February 1.
Performing 3 min solo – then the girls from JazzCamp for Girls join and Tomasz Licek quartet.
We will play 10 min in total for King Frederik V
On 31 January, the King begins an official business promotion in Poland. His Majesty will be accompanied by Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Climate Energy and Supply Minister Lars Aagaard and Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Jacob Jensen.
The visit, which has been prepared for a long time, will take place partly in Poland’s capital Warsaw, where 38 Danish companies are participating in a business promotion, and in the port city of Szczecin, where the King will, among other things, visit NATO’s regional headquarters and representatives from the Danish and Polish business community in the city.
During the visit, the King will meet with the President of Poland H.E. Andrzej Duda in the Presidential Palace as well as the presidents of the Senate and the Polish lower house Sejm. In addition, His Majesty will participate in the laying of wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Malmø, Sweden
Hotel Proforma
Vossa Jazz, i Voss i Norge
Out on all streaming platforms
Revered vocalist Randi Pontoppidan and leading
vibraphonist Martin Fabricius proudly present the
culmination of a blossoming musical relationship of the
past eight years. Blending acoustic and electronic
timbres, free improvisation and ethereal composition,
their otherworldly universe ‘Clouds’ is set to release on
the 12th of April.
The duo first met in 2016, at Jazz Denmark’s Summer
Session – a jazz camp for professionals, led by some of
the world’s most renowned musicians, including
Jamaladeen Tacuma – Ornette Coleman’s Prime Time
A mere two hours before Tacuma was set to depart for
the airport, he gathered a select group of session
attendees to record an improvised album – later titled
‘The Legend of the Pipe and Sweater’. Taken aback and
inspired by his spontaneity, Fabricius and Pontoppidan
incorporated this mindset into their practice, taking
every opportunity to play together over the years to come.
A collection of eleven varied pieces, the duo’s creative process behind ‘Clouds’ took on a wide array of
shapes. The record contains several older compositions tried and tested through extensive live
performances, free improvisations done in the spur of the moment, a 12 tone row composition
accompanied by improvisations in the style of Schoenberg, as well as multi-tracked produced
compositions enhanced via overdubs and layering.
Martin Fabricius is a former student of Gary Burton and is schooled in the pianistic 4-mallet approach of
playing the vibraphone. Building on Burton’s legacy, Martin is considered a leading exponent of a new
generation of vibraphone players, exploring the use of electronics, new repertoire and inventing new
playing techniques in the quest of expanding the expressive possibilities of his instrument.
Randi Pontoppidan is an internationally acclaimed artist, improviser and composer, working with free
improvisation, jazz, performance art, electroacoustic composition and sound poetry. Known for her
extended vocal techniques, poetic sensibility and live electronics, she has been likened to Diamanda
Galás, Joan La Barbara and Maja S. K. Ratkje. Exploring the outer limits and deepest secrets of the
human voice, Pontoppidan has received numerous award nominations over the years including the
Steppeulven award for best vocalist in Denmark in 2020.
‘Clouds’ was produced and mixed using Dolby Atmos spatial audio and will be available as such on
Apple Music, Tidal, and Amazon Music.
Art Gallerie at Haraldsgade 16B, Nørrebro.
16:00 - 20:00
Concert at 18:00
Musikhusets lille scene i Aarhus
Damkapellet and I will be in Aarhus this spring:
SPOT FLUX on 3rd and 4th of May on Spot Festival.
I’m proud to be part of this new important initiative that in a new format of Spot festival present the composers and the orchestras of today – highlighting the important collaboration between composers and musicians and the incredible works that grow out of this meeting.
Looking forward to being part with pieces by myself and wonderful colleagues: Kirstine Lindemann, Pauline Hogstrand and Greta Eacott played by the all time favourite Damkapellet
The Gnaoua Music World Festival, Essaouira, Morocco
Jamaaladeen Tacuma and Third Way Cultural Alliance have invited me and Paul Giess to Essauoira to a creative expedition with studio time, jams and connecting and fostering creativity with musicians and artist at the Gnaoua World Music Festival.
Nykøbing Sj, gågade
Display of Dance as practice with 10 girls and choreographer Georgia Kapodistria and live music by Randi Pontoppidan - voice and live electronic processing
On the walking street
Algade 42, Nykøbing Sjælland
Theater group: Running Sculptures are having a danceproject for girls 12 – 16 years old.
Last days they perform with a professional musician on the walking street of Nykøbing Sj.
Hans Egede Kirke, Vardegade 14, Østerbro.
Polish/Danish Jazzdays
Randi Pontoppidan – voice and live electronics
Tomas Licak – sax
Tomas Dabrowski – trompet
Radek Wosko – drums
Skønne musikere, flere har jeg arbejdet med i Szczecin, JazzCamp for girls.
DMF - Danish Music Society, Sankt Hans Torv 26, 1. Sal
We are so happy to release HIPPO ROAD – come and celebrate with us.
Paper Trio:
Greg Cohen – double bass
Randi Pontoppidan – voice + live electronics
Thomas Agergaard – tenor sax + sopran sax + alto flute
Strandingsmuseum St. George
Vesterhavsgade 1E, Thorsminde
6990 Ulfborg
Dykkerhistorier (unge og voksne)
Fortæller: Cecilie Vanman, dykker og havpattedyrsbiolog, De Kvindelige Eventyreres Klub.
Musikere: Randi Pontoppidan – Vokal og elektronik, Greg Cohen – Kontrabas, Thomas Agergaard –
Saxofoner og fløjte
Paper Trio består af musikerne Randi Pontoppidan, Greg Cohen og Thomas Agergaard. De tre improvisations veteraner begyndte at spille sammen i 2021 og udkommer denne sommer med deres første album: HIPPO ROAD. Et album, der morfer mellem stilarter, fra jazz til ny klassisk musik og viser deres enestående samspil, nysgerrighed og evne til at fascinere.
Inspirationen er hentet fra dyreriget, svamperiget, planteriget, mineralriget, de har lyttet til vinde, oceanerne, fulgt skyernes vandring, iagttaget stjernerne på himmelrummet. Pontoppidan, Cohen og Agergaard møder tonerne og rytmernes univers uden forudgående dagsordner andet end at smelte sammen i musikkens uendeligt fine klang verden, hvor selv den mindste krusning i tonerne absorberes og navigeres efter.
Hver eneste koncert er en unik oplevelse, hvor publikum drages med ind i Paper Trios skulpturelle og eventyrlige lyduniverser.
Randi Pontoppidan: Vokal og Elektronik
Greg Cohen: Kontrabas
Thomas Agergaard: Saxofon og Fløjte
Randi Pontoppidan: komponist, vokalist og performer. Pontoppidan arbejder med fri improvisation, jazz, performance art, elektroakustiske kompositioner og ny musik. Hun er kendt for sin eksperimenterende blanding af vokalarbejde og elektronisk live- bearbejdning af stemmen. Skolet indenfor både jazz og klassisk sang, blander stilarterne til en helt ny verden i sine kompositioner, der ikke lader sig kategorisere i genrer, men er sine helt egne. Pontoppidan er sammenlignet med ikoner som Diamanda Galás og Maja S. K. Ratkje. 2022 nomineret til DMA-jazz årets vokal album, 2021 nomineret til DMA-jazz, årets album og 2020 nomineret til en Steppeulv, anmeldelsernes pris for årets vokalist. Pontoppidan samarbejder med kunstnere som Sissel Vera Pettersen, Jöelle Léandre, Marilyn Mazur, Peter Bruun, Simon Toldam, digteren Morten Søndergaard, Jamaaladeen Tacuma mf. Hun er medlem af vokalensemblet IKI, musikerkollektivet Damkapellet og Paul Hilliers ensemble Theatre of Voices. Pontoppidan færdes hjemmevant på de store scener og har lagt vejen forbi både Royal Albert Hall, Carnegie Hall, Schindlers fabrik i Krakow og hos Banco Nacionál de Colombia i Bogotá. www.randipontoppidan.
Greg Cohen (US), bassist og komponist. Han er en legende kendt fra jazzmiljøet i New York, hvor han har spillet i en menneskealder og bor nu i Los Angeles. Kunstnere som Woody Allen, John Zorn, Tom Waits og Ornette Coleman har gjort brug af hans talent i årevis, han har gennem sin lange karriere spillet med folk som David Byrne, Elvis Costello, Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, Antony and the Johnsons, Laurie Anderson og Willie Nelson. På de ikoniske albums 1980′ Heart Attack and Vine and 1999′ Mule Variations med Tom Waits og 2001′ Life on a String’ med Laurie Anderson, er det Greg Cohen kontrabas der lægger bunden. Greg Cohen er kendt for sin dybe forståelse af jazzmusik og hans evne til at skabe en solid og dynamisk rytmisk struktur som bassist. Aktuel med Joe Lovano´s trio. 10 års undervisning på konservatoriet i Berlin.
Thomas Agergaard er saxofonist og komponist. Han arbejder i grænseområdet mellem improvisation og komposition. Han favner vidt og har spillet sammen med store navne som Django Bates, Miroslav Vitous, Andrew Hill, Nils Peter Molvær, John Tchicai, Peter Ole Jørgensen, Zapolski Quartet, Tim Berne, Marc Ducret, Jim Black, Hank Roberts, Scott Colley, Nasheet Waits, Herb Robertson, Lars Jansson og Bob Moses. Han og hans kompositioner danner centrale figurer i adskillige konstellationer, der ud over koncerter også indbefatter teaterstykker, film og udstillinger. Han har som musiker opnået international anerkendelse og er tildelt flere priser, heriblandt Statens Kunstfonds 3-årige arbejdsstipendium.
The Concert Hall of Aarhus during Aarhus Festival
The Royal Danish Theatre, Copenhagen
Sankt Markus Kirke, Forchhammersvej 12A, 1920 Frederiksberg C
Koncerten i Sct. Marcus kirke vil Damkapellet fremføre værker fra deres brede repertoire med et særligt fokus på de skandinaviske komponister, såsom Carin Malmlöf-forssling, Kirstine Lindemann, Sophie Søs Meyer, Lo Kristenson m.fl. Denne aften vil Randi Pontoppidan uropføre værket June In January med tekst af Zsuzsanna Ardó, en del af forfatterens Planet Women projekt.
Damkapellet er et professionelt musiker- og komponist-kollektiv med en mission om at skabe mangfoldighed og diversitet på den danske musikscene. Damkapellet har været modtager af Carl Nielsen og Anne Marie Carl Nielsen Legats talentpris i kategorien ‘komponist’ 2021.
Søndagskoncerter er støttet af Sankt Markus Kirkes Menighedsråd, Augustinus Fonden, William Demant Fonden og Frederiksberg Kommune.
Vestlandet - Norway
10 School concerts in the westpart of Norway.
Students of TværGK in Esbjerg.
Tværkunstnerisk Grundkursus ved kulturskolen i Esbjerg
10 School concerts in Norway
Linda Edsjö and Randi Pontoppidan
Holmegaard Værk ,
Composter, Vocalist, Sound poet, Improviser, Performer